S2-Corvallis LLC
S2C Overview
Spelling to Communicate (S2C) is a method developed for nonspeakers—an estimated 2.3 million individuals in the United States—who struggle with speech as a reliable means of communication. This group includes people with autism, as well as those with motor-sensory challenges such as cerebral palsy, apraxia, Angelman syndrome, and Down syndrome.
How It Works
Spelling to Communicate (S2C) empowers nonspeakers by teaching purposeful motor skills to spell out their thoughts, needs, and desires. By transitioning from fine motor to gross motor movements, this method enables individuals to point to letters and communicate effectively.
26 letters, infinite possibilities.
The Mission
Communication is a human right.
The goal of my office and S2C is to increase access and quality of communication for the non-speaking population (about 2.3 million people on this planet) regardless of geography, age, educational or socio-economic status.
S2-Corvallis Sessions
In my office sessions are an hour long with one individual, or groups of two or more students. All sessions include an informative age-appropriate lesson, with activities, question and answer prompts, and take home exercises that provide practice for the motor skills necessary to communicate.
I may make the accommodation for in-home sessions, please contact for more information.
Madison Raschko
Meet the Practitioner
Welcome! I’m thrilled you’re here and look forward to supporting your journey toward meaningful communication for your loved one. With over eight years of experience in education and personal support working, I launched my Spelling to Communicate (S2C) practice in 2024.
My journey began as a substitute teacher with a bachelor's degree in education and social studies. Inspired by the book Underestimated: An Autism Miracle and my meeting of the Handley family—the authors of the book Underestimated inspiration of the documentary SPELLERS—I pursued S2C practitioner training in 2022. I completed my certification with a hands-on internship in Petaluma, CA, in September 2023 under the supervision of experienced practitioner Deborah Spengler and creator of the S2C method Elizabeth Vossller.
As a certified practitioner through the International Association for Spelling as Communication (I-ASC), I remain committed to ongoing education and applying the latest research into my practice.
Have pricing questions or ready for a FREE assessment session? I would love to hear from you! Please reach out for any inquiries, or collaboration ideas. Let's connect and continue increasing access to communication for all.
252 Sw Madison St Suite 120
Corvallis OR